As work continues so do the ideas. When you have such a template to work with all sorts of thoughts poor into our head. The oil tank, in this case, was all Mikes ideas. He went to our local Surplus City and found a fire extinguisher and hence forth and now, oil tank. Since him calling the side, original, oil tank a "colostomy bag", that pretty much did it for me to get it the hell off there. Ok, there was some aesthetics in mind over that as well, but still. So far no paint in mind, or it might, or who knows what. That's the beauty of all these kinds of projects. Now were kicking around a turbo for the future. Since that's one of my specialties. I think we'll just get her running first drive it for awhile, maybe enjoy whatever the hell is left of summer and tackle that one later! Fortunatelly, we have great weather here and by god, we take advantage of it. It do get cold here as well. So this posting is just a bit of an update and how it's coming along. I think we have a good balance going with the fenders where the wiring will get cleaned up as well. Hasta for now. Be sure to click on the pix for mondo larger viewing.
Watch a short video of the build:
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