Since I don't do much of this any more this was more of a specialty job. Mostly I did this for a friend of mine. This bike is on its way to South Portland Main to Kim (Kimmy to me) Chesterfield. This was a pretty cool gift from her pops Butch. He's our local Coffee shop owner whom without him and his wife's awesome java in the mornings, we'd basically suck for the rest of the day! So we're pretty sure she'll dig this old school classic. It was her choice actually. We found this classic just up the hill from where we all live

from someone who was very cool and took good care of it. He parted with it for a very fair price. Hats off to straight shootin no bs people like him. My buddy Bill Kelly put the coon toon (ZZ Top reference) to this Honda and got it running great! He was quite helpful running parts and helping assemble this little dude. Here's a link to learn more about the F model 750 Four
http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/Honda/honda_cb750f_76.htm I was quite pleased with how well it handled actually. Great slight cafe racer look and good breaking with discs on both wheels. Real decent riding position, for me anyway and it flat boogies on down the road! The paint is my usual House of Colors line and the clear is Chroma Clear DuPont. I use the Meteron Grey Metallic for the base with Apple Red Intensifier over that for a more Burgundy red look. The blue scallop is Cobalt blue over Sun Gold Metallic. All under Chroma Clear. The seat was covered by Al Sena whom I've used on most all my motorcycle jobs So far. He's done a great job for a lot

less than some others around here. Kim will have plenty of riding time even though this Honda's headed to a much colder climate for the winter. I chose a heavy oil base black for the frame for some extra protection as it also doesn't chip as easily and has more flexibility. Takes a while to cure with better adhesion in some cases.
As usual you may
click on the pictures to see them larger. Also to see more paint work and resto's, click on "previous posts" or in the "archive" starting in 06 for many more vehicles located to the right of this post.