Here's an update to the 356. Finally coming on down the home stretch to a real car again. Here are some pictures of the new top ordered from Street Beat Customs in Arizona. It was an easy install and just required

some accurate measuring. The final mounting will come after the paint has been applied. Which should be fairly soon. We will be finishing up some details on the body, a bit more undercarriage work and it should be ready for the dark blue original color. However the paint will be getting a layer of pearl that will help give a little dimension and depth. We have some external engine modifications to get don

e as it will be going to a single carb, external oil filter, cooler and now with modified distributor for electronic ignition. Next set of pictures should be of it with blue! Smoothing out the body panels and getting rid of some east coast rust has been a majority of the work on this car. New weather stripping all around will also be in order along with new undercoating to help ward of any New Mexico moisture. Which ain't much!