This bike (an 81 Yamaha 550 Seca) I painted to be within the scope of all the rat ride scalloped paint jobs that were quite common. Short of using a flat primer black with red scallops, I opted for the Candy Red House Of Colors with Meteron Red base coat with gobs of clear. I didn't get to crazy with the clear actually. I air brushed shading on the black scallops to add some dimension to them.
(sorry had to blotch out some of the system for the web)This is our experimental bike which runs multi fuel like Diesel, bio fuels, and regular gasoline's. The process for the entire induction system is what were patenting. Our company, now a C-Corp, is a research and development organization for experimenting on different types of efficiency ideas and regenerative electrical energy. Next year we hope to be running this bike again with new modifications and automation. So is our goal anyway.
It was a learning experience trip for sure and was in awe of all the rides there. The mods to this bike are: extended fork rake, exhaust systems to accommodate turbo, steering stabilizer, V-rated tires, modified front fork travel and return, our induction system which has no

typical carburetors, 30 tooth rear sprocket from 45, 18 tooth sprocket from 16. In-Tank extraction unit of my own design, boost gauges and other gauges and sending units to measure what the hells happening as you go along! You can read about the experience at www.energyextraction.blogspot.com
On any of the two sites you can click on the picture to view them better.